Oral Abstract Session: Islet Xeno: Advancements in Engineered Porcine Islets for Xenotransplantation: Paving the Way for Transplant Success
Friday October 27, 2023 from 07:30 to 08:25
Indigo H
  • 202.1 Pancreatic islets from genetically altered porcine donors are metabolically competent and cure diabetes in mice post xenotransplantation
    Mr. Lucky A Kalekar, United States
  • 202.2 Islet xenotransplantation with quadruple knock-out porcine islet enhanced graft survival in diabetic mice
    Mr. Kyungmin Kwak, Korea
  • 202.4 Calcium sensor reporter pig model for assessment of beta-cell function
    Ms. Sarah Grimus, Germany
  • 202.5 Optimising transgenic porcine neonatal islet cell cluster culture for use in pig-to-baboon xenotransplantation
    Prof. Wayne J Hawthorne, Australia

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