Oral Abstract Session: Pre-clinical and clinical application of xenotransplantation and current barriers 3
Friday October 27, 2023 from 11:35 to 12:35
Indigo A
  • 217.1 Non-thrombogenic costimulation blockade in preclinical cardiac xenotransplantation using a combination of anti-CD40L PAS Fab and chimeric anti-CD40 antibody
    Jan-Michael Abicht, Germany
  • 217.2 Comparative clinical analysis in pig-to-rhesus corneal xenotransplantation depending on various immunosuppressants
    Ms. Seung Hyeun Lee, Korea
  • 217.3 Invasive versus Echocardiographic Hemodynamics in the First Genetically Modified Porcine to Human Xenotransplant
    Cullen Soares, United States
  • 217.5 Clinical subjects may suitable for renal xenotransplantation because of lower anti-pig antibodies
    Mr. Yifan Yu, People's Republic of China
  • 217.6 Beneficial effects of transgenic expression of human CD200 on top of quadruple-knockout/double-knockin (CD46/thrombomodulin) pigs on kidney xenograft survival in nonhuman primates
    Mr. Joon Young Jang, Korea

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