Concurrent Session: Translation of regenerative medicine technologies to the clinic (CTRMS)
Friday October 27, 2023 from 14:00 to 15:40
Indigo D
  • 227.1 Therapeutic liver repopulation by transient acetaminophen selection of gene-modified hepatocytes
    Markus Grompe, United States
  • 227.2 The role of Activin A-signaling in cell transplantation, liver regeneration and fibrosis
    Michael Oertel, United States
  • 227.3 Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s - Clinical trials
    Paul S. Larson, United States
  • 227.4 Stem cells clinical trial in Japan and brief historical perspective and current status
    Dr. Shin SE Enosawa Dr, Japan
  • 227.5 Cell therapy at the Industry-Academic interface: Clinical, regulatory, and commercial lessons learned from advances in the CAR-T field
    Dr. Rick Silva, United States

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