Oral Abstract Session: Immune monitoring for rejection / Immunomodulation / tolerance
Saturday October 28, 2023 from 10:00 to 11:30
Indigo 204
  • 312.1 Defining the human anti-pig xenoreactive T cell repertoire
    Dr. Farshid Fathi, United States
  • 312.2 Combined double thymus transplantation and mixed xenogeneic chimerism for the induction of optimal tolerance and enhancement of immune function
    Dr. Soha Mcheik, United States
  • 312.3 Proteomic Pathways in Rejected Grafts of Pig-to-Rhesus Corneal Xenotransplantation
    Dr. Chung Young Kim, Korea
  • 312.4 Exploring local immune modulation with rapamycin-eluting microparticles to preserve islet graft function in mice
    Mr. Jordan M Wong, Canada
  • 312.5 Long term survival (>365 days) of swine to baboon thymokidney transplant from alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase gene-knockout donors
    Dr. Daniel H Wolbrom, United States
  • 312.6 Immunological challenges to control indirect recognition pathway for long-term outcome in xenotransplantation
    Dr. Takaaki Kobayashi, Japan
  • 312.7 A Histocompatibility Epitope Prediction Software for Xenotransplantation Donor-Recipient Optimization
    Joe Ladowski, United States
  • 312.9 Swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) induces significant antibody production after pig-to-rhesus monkey kidney xenotransplantation
    Man Zhang, People's Republic of China

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