Concurrent Session: Repeat pancreas transplant (IPITA)
Saturday October 28, 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30
Indigo 204
  • 326.1 Treatment Opinion 1: Pancreas Re-Transplantation / Junior
    Dr. Caterina Di Bella, Italy
  • 326.2 Treatment Opinion 2: Re-Transplantatinon with Islets / Junior
    Daniel Doherty, United Kingdom
  • 326.3 Treatment Opinion 3: Closed Loop Pump Technology / Junior
    Shazli Azmi, United Kingdom
  • 326.4 Treatment Opinion 1: Pancreas Re-Transplantation / Senior
    Jonathan Fridell, United States
  • 326.5 Treatment Opinion 2: Re-Transplantatinon with Islets / Senior
    Mr. Michiel Nijhoff, Netherlands
  • 326.6 Treatment Opinion 3: Closed Loop Pump Technology / Senior
    Dr. Michael R Rickels, United States

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