Oral Abstract Session: Encapsulation of cellular transplants 1
Saturday October 28, 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30
Indigo D
  • 328.1 Preliminary results on the survival and maturation of stem-cell derived beta cells at different stages in a novel immunoprotective double encapsulation device
    Mr. Praveen Kumar Raju Pedabaliyarasimhuni, Canada
  • 328.2 A bioengineered artificial interstitium supports long-term survival of therapeutic xenogeneic porcine islet cells in nonhuman primates without immunosuppression
    Dr. David J Leishman, United States
  • 328.3 An oxygen-delivering Hyaluronic acid-based matrix reduces inflammation and promotes human islet survival in macroencapsulation devices
    Paul R.V. Johnson, United Kingdom
  • 328.4 How to deliver a therapeutic dose of encapsulated human islets?
    Dr. Rosy Eloy, France
  • 328.5 Islet encapsulation preserves their functionality following transplantation into immunocompetent diabetic animals without immunosuppression.
    Dr. Harald Stover, Canada
  • 328.6 Alginate-based (G) microcapsules (MC): a versatile tool for the experimental cell therapy and prevention of T1D
    Prof. Riccardo Calafiore, Italy
  • 328.7 Survival and function of the adrenal cell in immunoisolation device in adrenalectomized mice and sheep.
    Mrs. Lina Mariana, Australia
  • 328.8 A novel endovascular bioartificial pancreas device to treat type 1 diabetes
    Dr. Sara Photiadis, United States
  • 328.9 Development, optimization, and preclinical evaluation of a bio-artificial pancreas for the treatment of type 1 diabetes (T1D)
    Mrs. Sawsen Bekir, France

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