Oral Abstract Session: Organ and tissue preservation, cryopreservation and reconditioning
Saturday October 28, 2023 from 16:00 to 17:30
Indigo H
  • 338.7 Organ-on-chip platform to model metabolic crosstalk between islets and liver
    Shadab Abadpour, Norway
  • 338.1 Islet Isolation after Normothermic Ex Vivo Machine Perfusion of 2 Discarded Human Pancreas Allografts: A Proof of Concept Study
    Dr. Catherine Parmentier, Canada
  • 338.2 Oxygenated hypothermic machine perfusion of the pancreas; a porcine circulatory death model to compare a ‘continuous’ and an ‘end-ischaemic’ approach
    Mr. Mohamed A Elzawahry, United Kingdom
  • 338.3 Utilization of oxygenated Hemopure based University of Wisconsin solution during simulated procurement, back-benching, and graft implantation to minimize ischemic reperfusion injury in a rat liver transplantation simulated on pump
    Dr. Anil Kharga, United States
  • 338.4 Exploring preservation modalities in a split human pancreas model to investigate the effect on the islet isolation outcomes.
    Dr. Antoine Buemi MD, Belgium
  • 338.5 Generation of optimally-sized primary human pancreatic microtissues through single cell dissociation and a novel suspension microcavity system is associated with resolution of disrupted organelle ultrastructure and reestablishment of cell-cell interactions
    Dr. William E Scott III, United Kingdom
  • 338.6 A conceptual supportive cell based implant for beta cell replacement therapy
    Miss Carolin Hermanns, Netherlands
  • 338.8 Cryogenic preservation of perinatal stem cells in DMSO-supplemented or DMSO-free GMP-grade conditions
    Dr. Stefan Bencina, Sweden
  • 338.9 Human organotypic co-culture model of pleura
    Dr. Peggy Stock, Germany

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