Oral Abstract Session: Stem cell and stem cell-derived / Cell biology and regeneration 2
Sunday October 29, 2023 from 10:00 to 11:30
Indigo D
  • 411.2 Deciphering the hematopoietic pancreatic niche during human fetal development
    Adriana Migliorini, Canada
  • 411.1 Novel stem cell-derived islet-like clusters potently control rodent blood glycemia
    Dr. William Rust, United States
  • 411.3 Function and composition of SC-derived islets transplanted to multiple organ sites show the highest function in liver
    Mr. Daniel Norman, Sweden
  • 411.4 Preserving Liver Natural Killer Cell Activity: Developing Novel Culture Techniques for "Off-the-Shelf" Cell Immunotherapy
    Dr. Yuki Y Imaoka, United States
  • 411.5 Prostaglandin E2 Induces YAP1 and Agrin via EP4 in Islet-1+ Stem Cells that Improve Cardiac Repair in a Sheep Model of Myocardial Infarction
    Ms. Lorelei Hughes, United States
  • 411.6 Single-cell transcriptomes reveal phylogenetic diversification of human amniotic epithelial cells
    Chika Takano, Japan
  • 411.7 Effect of photobiomodulation on the viability and functionality of islet cells and pancreatic islet in vitro
    Dr. Quentin Perrier, France
  • 411.8 Belatacept, Tacrolimus effect on beta cells viability and insulin secretion
    Dr. Quentin Perrier, France
  • 411.9 Enhancing mesenchymal stem cell’s intrinsic expression of MMP-9 to augment their anti-fibrotic capacities for the treatment of liver diseases
    Dr. Anjali Verma, United States

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