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Oral Abstract Session
Pre-clinical and clinical application of xenotransplantation and current barriers 3

Friday October 27, 2023 | 09:35 to 10:35
Room: Indigo A
Track: N/A


Jan-Michael Abicht, Germany
Non-thrombogenic costimulation blockade in preclinical cardiac xenotransplantation using a combination of anti-CD40L PAS Fab and chimeric anti-CD40 antibody

Ms. Seung Hyeun Lee, Korea
Comparative clinical analysis in pig-to-rhesus corneal xenotransplantation depending on various immunosuppressants

Cullen Soares, United States
Invasive versus Echocardiographic Hemodynamics in the First Genetically Modified Porcine to Human Xenotransplant

Mr. Yifan Yu, People's Republic of China
Clinical subjects may suitable for renal xenotransplantation because of lower anti-pig antibodies

Mr. Joon Young Jang, Korea
Beneficial effects of transgenic expression of human CD200 on top of quadruple-knockout/double-knockin (CD46/thrombomodulin) pigs on kidney xenograft survival in nonhuman primates

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IPITA-IXA-CTRMS Joint Congress • San Diego, CA, USA • October 26-29, 2023
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